For businesses regardless of their size and activity, but also to professionals engaged in activities, whether or not regulated, tradesmen and retailers.

Business Liability Insurance covers against damage caused by work after their completion (or after their acceptance for activities related to building works) or by products after delivery.

Individuals insured

Based on your activity and people contributing therein, the insurance shall cover, in addition to the business liability cover for the company:

  • that of the partners;
  • that of the family members working within the company, even occasionally;
  • that of employees and trainees;

If required:

  • that of trainees, whether or not paid;
  • that of work applicants on probation;

Liability for pro-bono volunteers who came to help the company.

Activities covered

To identify the liabilities of the company and set up all the necessary extensions required. AGIS will need the following basic elements: total turnover, number of employees, activities carried out (main and secondary activities).

Even a minor activity as a percentage of total sales (less than 5%) may cause very extensive damage. In addition, certain regulated activities are under a specific (for example, construction-related work cover).

Based on your needs, a special liability cover or extensions of cover may be available; needs specifically related to business liability are mentioned in red:

Your business characteristics Extensions to essential coverage
You manufacture items. Products Liability
You manufacture and/or sell food products.

You transport fresh or frozen food products.
Liability on food poisoning
You deliver and install equipment. Liability after delivery or installation
You are a freight carrier This activity is governed under special rules and may require the purchase of a special policy
You work in the home of your customers. Operating Liability
It must include water damage, fire and explosion outside your premises.
Your activity is to install, fit, repair and maintain your customer property. Liability for deposited items
This will cover you, for example, against any damage or theft, where you (or your employees) may be held liable
Using any hazardous products or products that may have caused the pollution damage in the event on an accident. Liability covering cover against environmental damage and cover your against environmental liability
You (or your employees) use vehicles as part of your activity. Liability under the car insurance policy to be adjusted accordingly
You work as a subcontractor The insurance policy will be adapted based on your contracting agreement.

AGIS specialities in the business liability field both in France and worldwide, including in North America:

Medical and Para-medical

  • Business liability for health care facilities,
  • Business Liability of medical staff,
  • Professional Liability of medical and para medical equipment manufacturer (including surgical robots).

Arts Field

  • Professional liability of auction houses
  • Professional liability of auctioneers.
  • Expert Liability,

In all types of liability insurance cover, AGIS offers an unmatched defence approach based on three networks of professionals:

Our experts

Organised by poles, it is a network of professionals recognised for their expertise and their experience and have an essential role if liability is sought.

Our specialised Lawyers

In every liability branch, our network of lawyers is made available; they specialise in the specific activity of our clients.

Our expert legal advisors

We have a panel of legal advisors specialising in your business, they will study your case to get you a legal defence without a priori and any compromise; studying carefully the potential solutions that will allow lawyers to conduct favourably your defence.